As iron sharpens irons, so one person sharpens another.

Welcome to the

UnleaSHEd Network

We are so glad you are here!

We are a community of Christian women from across the UK who want to see the fabric of our culture changed to be more line with God’s purposes.

We all have influence

—whether at work, church, in our neighbourhood, or with our family and friends—and we want to be intentional with that influence.

We believe we can do that best in community with other women who will help us listen to and discern God’s voice, sharpen us, encourage us, challenge us, and hold us accountable. We value honesty and vulnerability, and we don’t compete with one another. We raise each other up.

Can you imagine what the UK would be like if we truly harnessed and unleashed the influence of all Christian women?  

What makes us different as a women’s network?

The UnleaSHEd Network isn’t about big events, we’re about going deep with each other in community.

We’re not about “having platforms”, but “being pillars”; we believe that voice and influence come from spiritual authority and intimacy with God, not social media.

We want women from all backgrounds leading and learning from each other – the whole body of Christ is important.  We use our influence to raise up others.


We invite you to join us for our regular Zoom calls (either monthly or as a short-term cohort).

These sessions will be facilitated with carefully crafted questions to provoke deep, meaningful conversations and a focus on soul care. You’ll identify areas of personal growth and invite group members to follow up with you, ensuring accountability and sustained progress.

This isn’t about more content; it’s about genuine growth and accountability.


If this sounds like something you want to be part of, we’d love to hear from you! Your participation and feedback are crucial in shaping this community

To learn more or get connected, reach out to Sam Corderoy at:


Initially, our sessions will operate on a pay-as-you-feel basis. However, to kick things off, we’re offering a series of FREE “Ignite” sessions to hear what YOU want from our time together, trying out both lunchtime and evening slots to find what works best before officially launching in the autumn.


25th June 2024
| 12:30 – 1:30pm

8th July 2024 | 12:30 – 1:30pm

11th July 2024 | 8:00 - 9:00pm

More About Us

  • Our primary values at the WSC UnleaSHEd Network are Equity, Empowerment, and Truth.

  • 1. Amplifying Voices

    2. Developing Leadership

    3. Fostering Community

    4. Prioritising Soul-Care

  • Our team comprises women from across the UK dedicated to transforming the fabric of our culture to align more closely with God’s purposes. Passionate and visionary, they strive to create a community where spiritual growth, accountability, and meaningful connections flourish. Together, they are committed to making a profound impact on society, guided by faith and purpose.

  • Women Speakers Collective is a mighty throng of gifted women who are done being silent and are ready to unleash our voices to create a legacy of equity, empowerment, and truth. Click here to learn more.

Meet Our Team

  • Sam is an entrepreneur, catalyst, and coach and loves to see Christians working together to advance the kingdom. She also has a passion to reach out to the socially excluded and amplify the voices of those who are unheard.

    She has a variety of roles which serve this purpose, from being Charity Lead of Netmakers (a local missional unity movement) to Chair of Trustees for Shine (a community organisation working in a very economically deprived part of Bradford). She is also catalysing the WSC: UnleaSHEd Network in the UK (a community of Christian women who seek to unleash the influence of women across the country).

    Previously, she spent 17 years in Brand Management at P&G, leading brands such as Gillette, Ariel & Pampers, and catalysing the company’s global flagship CSR programme.

  • Sarah Wilcock grew up in Yorkshire and has finally returned to home turf after 40 nomadic years following her calling to work with the poor and marginalised including ethnic minorities in Asia, orphans in Mongolia and in areas of multiple deprivation in the UK.

    Sarah has an MA in Mission and Development, is a passionate advocate for those on the margins, and seeks to amplify the voices of those who are often unheard. Sarah currently serves at St Stephen’s church, West Bowling, Bradford - a wonderful, diverse community which is also one of the most deprived in the country.

    Sarah brings humility, wisdom and a passion to pray, live and work among the people she is serving seeking to partner with God to bring transformation to those people and communities.

  • Sarah Small is a Yorkshire girl now based in Manchester. She co-leads the Eden Network, part of the Message Trust, alongside her husband Steve. Eden is a movement of urban missionaries who live in some of the UK’s most deprived communities. She and Steve live on the Merseybank estate with their three boys which has been home for over 12 years. Sarah is part of Ivy Church where she's held a range of roles, and has an MA in Kingdom Theology. She’s a passionate speaker and activist – hoping to see the church at the heart of transformation in communities that have long been forgotten.

  • Lou’s passion is to create safe and creative spaces where people can encounter Jesus and be transformed. She loves cheering people on and helping them step into all God has for them.

    She has found various settings to do this – as a secondary school teacher and senior leader at a charity working with survivors of rape and sexual abuse. She is part of Revelation Church in Chichester where she has led in various capacities for the past 15 years.

    Lou now works with 24-7 Prayer where she facilitates and manages their Network of Global Communities.

  • I’m Jenny Quigley. I’ve been walking with Jesus for just over 10 yrs. I’m a mum to 3 beauties and wife to Gary (also a beautie in my eyes). I live and love on Merseybank in Manchester and have for 30 years. I go to Ivy Church, Didsbury where I am a service leader and team supervisor at Ivy Cafe. Community Cafes seem to be the Ministry Jesus has placed me in. I’m truly blessed with what Jesus has done in me and love to let him work through me for others.

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