Bootcamp Scholarship Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * Social Media Website (if applicable) http:// Address * State & Zip / Province & Postal Code * Which WSC Bootcamp are you hoping to attend? * We want to see you present your best TED-talk style speak! Prep your talk, film it, upload it to google drive or your chosen platform, and link it below. * Why do you want to be a part of the WSC Speaker Bootcamp? * What does it mean for you to, "Use Your Voice." * Why do you believe you are called to use your voice as a speaker & communicator? * We offer a limited amount of scholarships per Bootcamp and it is important to us we make sure we gift them to those who can't afford a seat at the Bootcamp. Please briefly explain why you applied for this scholarship and how this scholarship would help you. * Thank you for your application. Someone will be in touch with you soon.