Come and See
WRITTEN BY: Brooke Palmer, WSC Global Chaplain
What just screams at you, “Look over here! Come and see?”
Is it the “come and see” ads that are all around us? The things in our social feeds? Those billboards that are visible as you drive down the road?
The things that scream “you need me in your life, and only then will there be moments of peace and happiness”?
Or is it the “come and see” people? Whether that's the women with a higher number of followers on social media, or the woman down the street who seems to have the perfect career, the perfect family, and always looks perfectly put together…
It's easy to get drawn into these “come and see” messages, isn't it? Almost like a moth to the flame.
But the problem with the world’s very loud and very real “come and see” message is that its noise drowns out the one voice that calls you to come and see his Kingdom. To see and follow a different path. To give his invitation a very simple yes.
In John 1:36-39 we read:
As Jesus walked by, John looked at him and declared, “Look! There is the Lamb of God!” When John’s two disciples heard this, they followed Jesus. Jesus looked around and saw them following. “What do you want?” he asked them. They replied, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”
“Come and see,” he said. It was about four o’clock in the afternoon when they went with him to the place where he was staying, and they remained with him the rest of the day.
Andrew had been searching for the way to go, for the Messiah. And here was Jesus, with a simple invitation to come and see, and Andrew's simple answer was yes.
So what about you? What have you been searching for? Where is God calling you to use your voice?
What about you? Where is God calling you to use your voice?
And would an Andrew type of “yes” help drown out the noise that convinces you that you simply aren't called or up to the task?
Let me encourage you to lean into that still small voice of God that is saying, “Hey, come and see this!” The world’s come and see message can be quite distracting, I know. However, that simple “yes” to come and see, to simply walk with him one day at a time into the places he has for you to come and see, is all you really need.
Actually, that yes leads to the perfect place for you to be.
So, let others have the social media followers. Let the woman down the street continue to appear to be perfect.
Jesus’ winding and specialized path made just for you will bring peace and joy that just keeps coming. And just imagine where He will use your voice when you say “yes” to his “come and see.”
About the Author
WSC Global Chaplain, Brooke Palmer, is a graduate of Bethel seminary located in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She has been in the Ministry world for the last 18 years. Most recently Brooke was the associate pastor at Journey's Crossing in Germantown Maryland. Now, Brooke is the lead and planting pastor of Belonging Community Church in Urbana Maryland, just outside of Washington DC.